Stefan Marcec

Stefan Marcec


Lic.phil. I (masters degree) in philosophy, literature & linguistics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland

EFT Trainer & Coach (D.A.CH) / (ITW)

EFT Master Practitioner (GoE)

Wisdom of the Body Trainer ( Allen Pittmans bodywork system )

Certified in Transactionanalysis (TA)

Tai chi, Qi Gong & Martial arts Teacher

Stefan has dedicated his life to the study of body, mind, soul and their conjunctions and interactions.

Spending many years studying eastern martial arts and even recieving a substantial part of his training in

Japan, he had also the chance to study many healing modalities like Craniosacral work, Acupuncture and

Energy healing.

When he found EFT he instantly knew that this is „his“ system. He was trained not only in the original EFT

Levels designed by Gary Craig but also in related fields like TAT or BSFF.

He taught EFT in companies like the swiss national railways, EFT for teams working in women shelters, EFT for

fire fighters and security personel and EFT at schools.

He worked for 20 years as a teacher for philosophy and literature at a junior college where EFT was even part

of the curriculum of a school subject. Stefan presented EFT on national TV, at health conferences and

appeared in numerous articles in newspapers and magazines in Switzerland.

In 2007 Stefan founded a company dedicated to the teaching of EFT and other healing 

modalities on different levels of the human existence.

In 2023 Stefan decided to become a full time mentor / coach, using 40+ years of experience to guide and help


His main focus are "Men in Crisis". Especially those in challenging relationships.




Stefan Marcec ist aufgeführt in: Energists in Zurich Energists in Switzerland