Stefan Marcec /?output=FEED&user_id=86132&about=1&r=4 en Stefan Marcec Sun, 10 Nov 2013 09:00:00 +0000 GoE2013 - P11 - Introducing EFT into Schools with Stefan Marcec <p>Stefan Marcec presenting on Introducing EFT into Schools at the GoE Energy Conference 2013</p> Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:21:50 +0100 GOE13 Presentation: Introducing EFT to Schools <p>In his <a href="">2013 EFT &amp; Energy Conference</a> Presentation, <em><strong>Introducing EFT to Schools</strong></em>, EFT Master Practitioner and teacher <strong>Stefan Marcec</strong> will explain how to use EFT in school for students and teachers alike. Case reports of 1:1 sessions with different students and student groups. Dos and don'ts when working with teenagers. Teaching EFT to whole faculties – emphasis on how to get the idea of EFT across in the first place.</p>